Volume 9, No. 2December
Business and Economics
This section covers a wide range of topics related to business and economics. It includes discussions on trade (both balance of trade and international aspects like tariffs), commerce (encompassing boards of trade, chambers of commerce, and merchants associations), business practices (accounting, bookkeeping, advertising, business communication, ethics, mathematics, and records management), marketing and sales (including retail, secondhand trade, and shopping centers), organizational management (office management, personnel management, and industrial psychology), financial aspects (banking, foreign exchange, and insurance), and economic perspectives (economic history, theory, demography, and geography, including the economic geography of oceans). The section also explores specific areas like the black market, canvassing, department stores, and vocational guidance, aiming to provide comprehensive insights into the multifaceted world of business and economics.
Financial Performance and Stock Prices in Tourism & Hospitality
Kinerja Keuangan dan Harga Saham dalam Industri Pariwisata & Perhotelan| Abstract Article Readed: 374 times -
Factors Influencing Client Loyalty in a Tax Consultant Office
Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Loyalitas Klien di Kantor Konsultan Pajak.| Abstract Article Readed: 202 times -
TikTok Celebrities as Role Models: Imitation or Innovation?
"Apakah Selebriti TikTok sebagai Panutan: Imitasi atau Inovasi?"| Abstract Article Readed: 320 times -
Factors Affecting Employee Performance: A Quantitative Study
Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kinerja Karyawan: Studi Kuantitatif| Abstract Article Readed: 287 times -
Navigating the Risk Terrain in Small Business Economics
Menavigasi Medan Risiko dalam Ekonomi Bisnis Kecil| Abstract Article Readed: 40 times -
Location, Quality, and Price Drive Home Purchases in Indonesia
Lokasi, Kualitas, dan Harga Mendorong Pembelian Rumah di Indonesia| Abstract Article Readed: 84 times -
Financial Stability Drives Fraud in Indonesian Manufacturing
Stabilitas Keuangan Mendorong Penipuan di Sektor Manufaktur Indonesia| Abstract Article Readed: 51 times -
Unveiling the Impact of Factors on Taxpayer Compliance
Mengungkap Dampak Faktor-Faktor terhadap Kepatuhan Wajib Pajak| Abstract Article Readed: 54 times -
Global Study Revolutionizes Bankruptcy Prediction
Studi Global Merevolusi Prediksi Kebangkrutan| Abstract Article Readed: 106 times -
Impacts of Brand, Price, and Promotion on Modest Fashion Purchases
Dampak Merek, Harga, dan Promosi terhadap Pembelian Modest Fashion| Abstract Article Readed: 58 times -
Unlocking Supply Chain Excellence through Delivery Prioritization
Membuka Keunggulan Rantai Pasokan melalui Prioritas Pengiriman| Abstract Article Readed: 49 times -
Emotional Experiences Drive Customer Loyalty in Indonesia
Pengalaman Emosional Mendorong Loyalitas Pelanggan di Indonesia| Abstract Article Readed: 112 times -
Developing an Accounting Information System Based on Artificial Intelligence to Improve the Quality of Accounting Information and the Decision-Making Process
Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Akuntansi Berbasis Kecerdasan Buatan untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas Informasi Akuntansi dan Proses Pengambilan Keputusan| Abstract Article Readed: 69 times -
HR Re-engineering Elevates Banking Performance in Commercial Banks
Rekayasa Ulang SDM Meningkatkan Kinerja Perbankan di Bank Umum| Abstract Article Readed: 49 times -
Clinical Research
The Study On Antioxidant And Anti-Inflammatory Effects Of Sodium Copper Chlorophyllin In Male Rats Receiving Indomethacin
| Abstract Article Readed: 88 times -
Identification Methods of Helicobacter Pylori Bacteria
Metode Identifikasi Bakteri Helicobacter Pylori| Abstract Article Readed: 58 times -
A Study of Diabetes Correlated Emotional Distress among Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A cross Sectional Study
Sebuah Studi tentang Tekanan Emosional yang Berkorelasi dengan Diabetes di antara Pasien dengan Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2: Sebuah Studi Cross Sectional| Abstract Article Readed: 0 times -
Directions for Increasing Green Energy Capacity of Uzbekistan
Petunjuk untuk Meningkatkan Kapasitas Energi Hijau Uzbekistan| Abstract Article Readed: 0 times
Unveiling Baghdad's Urban Identity: A Comprehensive Study on the Dynamics of Urban Imprint
| Abstract Article Readed: 370 times -
Experimental Behavior of SIFCON Corbels
Perilaku Eksperimental SIFCON Corbels| Abstract Article Readed: 35 times -
Iraq's hydrocarbon crisis demands integrated remediation solutions
Krisis hidrokarbon Irak menuntut solusi remediasi terpadu| Abstract Article Readed: 41 times -
Food Science
Exposing Milk Adulteration in Iraq Markets
Menguak Pemalsuan Susu di Pasar Irak| Abstract Article Readed: 56 times -
Alarming Rise of MDR Bacteria in Uremia Patients in Iraq
Peningkatan Mengkhawatirkan Bakteri MDR pada Pasien Uremia di Irak| Abstract Article Readed: 46 times -
Effect the Nanoparticles of Fe2O3 and CuO to Increasing the Activity of Sulfadiazine Against Multidrug Resistant Pseudomonas Aeruginosa
Pengaruh Nanopartikel Fe2O3 dan CuO untuk Meningkatkan Aktivitas Sulfadiazin Terhadap Pseudomonas Aeruginosa yang Resisten Terhadap Berbagai Jenis Obat| Abstract Article Readed: 48 times -
Interference Between S. Aureus and P. Aeruginosa Clinical Isolates
Interferensi Antara S. Aureus dan P. Aeruginosa Isolat Klinis| Abstract Article Readed: 0 times
Dramatic Improvements in Patient Understanding of Epilepsy in Iraq
Peningkatan Dramatis dalam Pemahaman Pasien tentang Epilepsi di Irak| Abstract Article Readed: 70 times
In the "Education" section of "Academia Open," we focus on a comprehensive exploration of educational paradigms, encompassing a broad spectrum that ranges from general education theories to the nuanced histories and special aspects of educational practice. This section is dedicated to a critical examination of the evolution and historical contexts of education systems globally, providing insights into how past educational developments inform current practices. It also delves deeply into specialized education areas, including but not limited to special education, adult education, and alternative educational models, addressing the diverse needs and approaches within the educational landscape. Furthermore, the section firmly grounds itself in the theory and practice of education, inviting scholarly discourse on pedagogical methodologies, curriculum development, and the efficacy of different educational approaches in meeting contemporary challenges. Through this multidimensional lens, the section aims to foster a rich, scholarly dialogue that contributes to the ongoing development and understanding of education as a pivotal societal pillar.
Exploring Hemingway's Depiction of War Violence: Psychological and Societal Impacts in Selected Novels
| Abstract Article Readed: 604 times -
Parenting Styles and Social Phobia in Iraqi Teens
Gaya Pengasuhan Anak dan Fobia Sosial pada Remaja Irak| Abstract Article Readed: 72 times -
Heat Stress in Iraq Slashes Dairy Cow Health and Milk Production
Stres Panas di Irak Pangkas Kesehatan Sapi Perah dan Produksi Susu| Abstract Article Readed: 71 times -
Geography. Anthropology. Recreation
Environmental Changes of the Temirnik River in Rostov-on-Don
Perubahan Lingkungan Sungai Temirnik di Rostov-on-Don| Abstract Article Readed: 52 times
Information and Communication Systems' Impact on Healthcare Quality: Insights from Medical City Complex Employees
| Abstract Article Readed: 146 times -
Moderate Proficiency in Suture Techniques Among Nurses: A Cross-Sectional Study
| Abstract Article Readed: 79 times -
Investigation Study of Cephalexin Capsule Content from Different Drug Companies Available in the Iraqi Pharmaceutical Market
| Abstract Article Readed: 144 times -
The Effect of Hepatitis B Vaccine on Health Workers in Medina
| Abstract Article Readed: 150 times -
Adipokines Identify Crucial Biomarkers for Hypertension in Iraq
Adipokin Mengidentifikasi Biomarker Penting untuk Hipertensi di Irak| Abstract Article Readed: 65 times -
Nano Quercetin Accelerates Wound Healing in Laboratory Mice
Nano Quercetin Mempercepat Penyembuhan Luka pada Tikus Laboratorium| Abstract Article Readed: 59 times -
Anemia's Role in Premature Rupture of Membranes
Peran Anemia dalam Ketuban Pecah Dini| Abstract Article Readed: 58 times -
Global Impact of Delayed Cord Clamping on Newborn Health
Dampak Global Penundaan Penjepitan Tali Pusat pada Kesehatan Bayi Baru Lahir| Abstract Article Readed: 137 times -
Powerful Antibacterial for Wound Healing using Betel Leaf Extract
Antibakteri Ampuh untuk Penyembuhan Luka menggunakan Ekstrak Daun Sirih| Abstract Article Readed: 111 times -
The Tuina Acupressure Boosts Toddler Weight
Akupresur Tuina Meningkatkan Berat Badan| Abstract Article Readed: 80 times -
Bridging Communication Gaps for Maternal Well-being
Menjembatani Kesenjangan Komunikasi untuk Kesejahteraan Ibu| Abstract Article Readed: 52 times -
Hyperglycemia and Cholesterol Surge in Iraqi Diabetic Patients
Hiperglikemia dan Lonjakan Kolesterol pada Pasien Diabetes di Irak| Abstract Article Readed: 69 times -
Gender Age Disparity in Amoebiasis Prevalence in Iraq
Perbedaan Usia Jenis Kelamin dalam Prevalensi Amoebiasis di Irak| Abstract Article Readed: 86 times -
Hardiness Shields Against Depression in Iraqi Dialysis Patients
Ketahanan Melawan Depresi pada Pasien Dialisis di Irak| Abstract Article Readed: 40 times -
Uncovering the Knowledge Landscape of Food-Drug Interactions Among Medical Professionals
| Abstract Article Readed: 59 times -
Management and Outcomes of Severe Submergence in Second Premolar
Penanganan dan Hasil dari Submergensi Parah pada Premolar Kedua| Abstract Article Readed: 22 times -
A Review of Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS)
Tinjauan tentang Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS)| Abstract Article Readed: 23 times -
Understanding Burn Management For Nursing Students
Memahami Manajemen Luka Bakar Untuk Mahasiswa Keperawatan| Abstract Article Readed: 6 times
Philosophy. Psychology. Religion
The Student’s Psychological Stress During Covid-19
Stres Psikologis Siswa Selama Covid-19| Abstract Article Readed: 48 times -
Unmasking Orphan Students' Deep Psychological Defeat
Membuka Kedok Kekalahan Psikologis Siswa Yatim Piatu| Abstract Article Readed: 70 times -
Gender and Specialty Influence on Narcissism in University Students
Pengaruh Gender dan Keistimewaan terhadap Narsisme pada Mahasiswa| Abstract Article Readed: 73 times
Circulating Microrna-146a as A Biomarker Related To Inflammation in Thalasemia Patients
| Abstract Article Readed: 269 times -
Novel Synthesis of Thiopyrimidine Compounds from Dibenzo-18-Crown-6 and Evaluation of Antibacterial Activity
| Abstract Article Readed: 273 times -
EAS Cherenkov LDF Analysis: CORSIKA Simulations for Tunka-133 and Chacaltaya Arrays
| Abstract Article Readed: 80 times -