- Forecasting,
- Inventory control,
- Continuous review system model,
- Periodic review system model
Copyright (c) 2021 Varid Jainuri, Tedjo Sukmono

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Forecasting is an estimate of something that has not happened or will happen in the future. Determination of the policies implemented by the company resulted in more costs for storage costs, resulting in wastage of costs and reduced company profits due to the accumulation of capital in the form of raw materials that had not been produced. This study describes the planning and control of sodium caseinate inventory. Of the many inventory control planning methods, the continuous review system model is used to determine the optimal number of orders and when orders are made. The total cost of inventory based on average usage in 2018 to 2020 is IDR 252,323,882,141.00 per year. The results showed that the continuous review system lost sales inventory control model has a minimum total inventory cost of Rp. 251,641,850,991.00 per year with an optimal number of orders.
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