Vol 9 No 1 (2024): June
Computer Science

Covid-19 Disease Detector Using X-Rays Based On Deep Learning
Pendeteksi Penyakit Covid-19 Menggunakan Sinar-X Berbasis Deep Learning

Ali T. Mohammed
Department of Medical Physics, Hilla University College, Iraq *
Hussein A. Ghazi
Department of Medical Physics, Hilla University College, Iraq
Mustaeen R. Mahdi
Department of Medical Physics, Hilla University College, Iraq
MohammedAlbaqer A. Abd Ali
Department of Medical Physics, Hilla University College, Iraq
Ahmed A. Fadhil
Department of Medical Physics, Hilla University College, Iraq
Ali F. Leebi
Department of Medical Physics, Hilla University College, Iraq
Ali M. Sahib
Department of Medical Physics, Hilla University College, Iraq
Mohammed S. Jebur
Department of Medical Physics, Hilla University College, Iraq

(*) Corresponding Author
Picture in here are illustration from public domain image or provided by the author, as part of their works
Published May 13, 2024
  • COVID-19,
  • deep learning,
  • chest X-ray,
  • automated diagnosis,
  • convolutional neural networks
How to Cite
Mohammed, A. T., Ghazi, H. A., Mahdi, M. R., Ali, M. A. A., Fadhil, A. A., Leebi, A. F., Sahib, A. M., & Jebur, M. S. (2024). Covid-19 Disease Detector Using X-Rays Based On Deep Learning. Academia Open, 9(1), 10.21070/acopen.9.2024.8937. https://doi.org/10.21070/acopen.9.2024.8937


This study presents an automated deep learning approach for the rapid detection of COVID-19 using chest X-ray images. Given the urgent need for efficient disease diagnostics, we utilize convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to develop a ResNet-based classification model. Our dataset includes ten images, five depicting COVID-19 cases and five standard X-ray images, chosen for their rapidity and low radiation dose. The model demonstrates high accuracy, successfully classifying all images. Transfer learning techniques further enhance performance, indicating the potential for broader application and improved diagnostic capabilities. This research addresses the current knowledge gap in automated COVID-19 diagnostics, offering a reliable method for swift and accurate detection, with implications for enhancing disease management strategies.


  1. Rapid COVID-19 detection using deep learning.
  2. High accuracy with convolutional neural networks.
  3. Quick results with low radiation in chest X-rays.

Keywords: COVID-19, deep learning, chest X-ray, automated diagnosis, convolutional neural networks


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