Vol 8 No 1 (2023): June
Business and Economics

Circular Solutions for Decent Work and Economic Growth: Lessons from Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 8
Solusi Sirkuler untuk Pekerjaan yang Layak dan Pertumbuhan Ekonomi: Pelajaran dari Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Nomor 8

Sri Kurnia
STIE Pembangunan Tanjungpinang, Indonesia, Indonesia *
Muhammad Isa Alamsyahbana
STIE Pembangunan Tanjungpinang, Indonesia, Indonesia
Rachmad Chartady
STIE Pembangunan Tanjungpinang, Indonesia, Indonesia
Surya Violita Arifin
STIE Pembangunan Tanjungpinang, Indonesia, Indonesia
Mohammad Iqbal Sesaria
STIE Pembangunan Tanjungpinang, Indonesia, Indonesia

(*) Corresponding Author
Picture in here are illustration from public domain image or provided by the author, as part of their works
Published July 5, 2023
  • Circular solutions,
  • Decent work,
  • Economic growth,
  • Sustainable development goals (SDGs),
  • Resource efficiency
How to Cite
Kurnia, S., Alamsyahbana, M. I., Chartady, R., Arifin, S. V., & Sesaria, M. I. (2023). Circular Solutions for Decent Work and Economic Growth: Lessons from Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 8. Academia Open, 8(1), 10.21070/acopen.8.2023.6657. https://doi.org/10.21070/acopen.8.2023.6657


The purpose of this research is to provide information about circular solutions for decent work economic growth which includes lessons from SDG 8. However, the circular economy is a promising approach to achieving sustainable development, by decoupling ecomonic growth from resource depletion and environmental degradation. The circular economy can support the achievement of multiple SDGs, by promoting sustainable and inclusive economic growth, reducing waste and pollution, and fostering innovation and resilience. The circular economy has the potential to contribute to SDG 8 by creating new job opportunities, promoting skills development and innovation, also it can fostering sustainable and inclusive economic growth. By adopting circular practices, businesses and governments can create new value and reduce their environmental impact, while promoting social and economic development.


  • The circular economy offers a promising approach to achieving sustainable development by decoupling economic growth from resource depletion and environmental degradation.
  • Circular practices can contribute to SDG 8 by creating new job opportunities, promoting skills development, and fostering sustainable and inclusive economic growth.
  • By adopting circular solutions, businesses and governments can create new value, reduce environmental impact, and drive social and economic development.

Keywords: Circular solutions, Decent work, Economic growth, Sustainable development goals (SDGs), Resource efficiency


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