- School Readiness,
- Mother's Education Level,
- Working Mother,
- Not Working Mother
Copyright (c) 2023 lely Ika Mariyati, Dwi Nastiti , Dyah Rizqi Nurdiani Fitri, Azizah Alifia Salsabila, Kevin Meicello Dwita

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
This study aimed to analyze the influence of mother's education level and employment status on children's readiness for elementary school. Employing a quantitative comparison method, data from 194 children were collected through the NST test and a parental questionnaire. The school readiness, mother's education level, and employment status were assessed. Statistical analysis using SPSS 16.0 and the Anova and t-test techniques revealed that neither the mother's education level (F = 1.139, Sig. = 0.340 > 0.05) nor the employment status (t score = -0.763, Sig. = 0.446 > 0.05) significantly influenced the school readiness of the children. These results suggest that other intervening variables such as parenting styles, socioeconomic status, and child's motivation may be more crucial determinants of a child's preparedness for school. This study offers a novel perspective to parents, educators, and developmental psychologists by challenging conventional assumptions about mother's influence on children's school readiness.
- A mother's education level doesn't significantly influence a child's readiness for elementary school.
- A mother's employment status (working or non-working) also doesn't significantly affect a child's school readiness.
- Other factors like parenting styles, socioeconomic status, and child's motivation could be more influential on a child's preparedness for school.
Keywords : School Readiness, Mother's Education Level, Working Mother, Not Working Mother
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