- De Quervain syndrome,
- smartphone game players,
- therapeutic exercises,
- Hold Relax,
- Friction
Copyright (c) 2024 Reza Asefi, Bagas Anjasmara, Soffil Yudha Mulyadi

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
This study compared the efficacy of Friction and Hold Relax exercises in alleviating De Quervain syndrome symptoms among smartphone game players. Utilizing a quasi-experimental pre and post-test design with 14 participants in each group, the research found that Hold Relax exercises significantly improved thumb function compared to Friction (p = 0.002). These results highlight the importance of tailored therapeutic interventions for De Quervain syndrome patients, particularly among smartphone game players, and provide valuable insights for optimizing treatment strategies in this population.
- Superiority of Hold Relax: Effective for De Quervain syndrome among smartphone users.
- Tailored Therapy: Recognizes specific needs of smartphone game players.
- Clinical Insights: Optimizing treatment strategies for De Quervain syndrome rehabilitation.
Keyword: De Quervain syndrome, smartphone game players, therapeutic exercises, Hold Relax, Friction
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