- Active learning,
- Academic performance,
- Microsoft PowerPoint,
- Experimental study,
- Civics education
Copyright (c) 2023 Mauludiana Rahmawati, Machful Indra Kurniawan

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
This research addresses the issue of passive student engagement and teacher-centered learning approaches in primary schools. To overcome these challenges, the study employs Microsoft PowerPoint as an instructional medium to enhance the learning experience. A Pre-Experimental Design research method is employed, conducted at SD Negeri Pejangkungan with thirty fourth-grade students as participants. Data collection involves the use of tests, and the obtained results are subjected to t-test analysis. The findings reveal a significant positive impact of utilizing Microsoft PowerPoint media on students' civics learning outcomes, as indicated by tcount (24.686) exceeding ttable (2.045). Additionally, eta squared analysis demonstrates a considerable influence of Microsoft PowerPoint media on learning outcomes (0.95>0.14). These results emphasize the potential of Microsoft PowerPoint as an effective tool to promote active learning and enhance students' academic achievements in various educational settings.
Active Engagement: This research explores the use of Microsoft PowerPoint as a means to promote active learning among elementary students, addressing the issue of passive student engagement in the classroom.
Academic Improvement: The study investigates the impact of utilizing Microsoft PowerPoint on students' academic performance, specifically focusing on civics education, to determine the effectiveness of this instructional medium.
Experimental Design: The research employs a Pre-Experimental Design methodology, conducted at SD Negeri Pejangkungan with fourth-grade students, to gather data through tests and analyze the outcomes using statistical measures such as t-tests and eta squared.
Keywords: Active learning, Academic performance, Microsoft PowerPoint, Experimental study, Civics education.
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