Vol 9 No 2 (2024): December
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June 7, 2024
- Nurse Satisfaction,
- Job Factors,
- Healthcare Management,
- Stress Prevention,
- Workforce Stability
How to Cite
Hassan , H. M., & Faraj , F. (2024). Unlocking Nurse Satisfaction Global Imperatives for Retention and Wellbeing. Academia Open, 9(2), 10.21070/acopen.9.2024.9106. https://doi.org/10.21070/acopen.9.2024.9106
Copyright (c) 2024 Hassan Mohammed Hassan , Faraj Faraj

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
This study explores job satisfaction among nurses through a descriptive cross-sectional analysis conducted from January to April 2024, using a purposive sample of 400 participants. The findings reveal that while 85.9% of nurses are moderately satisfied with their jobs, satisfaction varies significantly between internal job elements (77.5% satisfaction) and external job factors (62.2% satisfaction). The study recommends the implementation of career development programs, recognition initiatives, and work-life balance strategies, alongside stress management and resilience training, to enhance overall job satisfaction and prevent burnout. These measures are crucial for improving healthcare outcomes and reducing staff turnover. Highlights:- Moderate Satisfaction: Most nurses are moderately satisfied, highlighting areas for improvement.
- Satisfaction Disparity: There's a significant gap between satisfaction with internal and external job elements.
- Strategic Interventions: Career development and stress management programs are recommended to boost satisfaction and retention.
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