This scientific article examines the challenges faced by housing stock management companies in developing organizational and economic mechanisms, and proposes solutions to address them in the context of market relations. The study explores the management practices of these companies, analyzes the status of their services, and identifies opportunities to increase the range of services and improve their assessment. The research was conducted using a qualitative approach, drawing on interviews with industry experts and a review of relevant literature. The findings of this study provide valuable insights for policymakers, practitioners, and researchers seeking to enhance the effectiveness of housing stock management companies and improve the quality of housing services. The implications of the study suggest that future research should explore additional strategies for addressing the challenges faced by these companies, and for promoting sustainable development of the housing sector.
Keywords: Housing stock management, organizational mechanisms, economic mechanisms, service improvement, market relations.
Stabilization of the socio-economic status of the population in a market economy in many ways is considered the main priority in the branches of the national economy, including the effective management of the housing stock and the implementation of reforms by the state with the goal of economic development of this sector. In this regard, first of all, the management of housing funds it is necessary to create organizational and economic foundations for the formation and regulation of specific institutional methods for the development of service procedures by companies. Secondly, it is necessary to create a mechanism for attracting investments from the state in order to accurately set prices for services provided by housing stock management companies, form a healthy competitive environment in the field and increase the number of services provided.
The experience of developed countries indicates that in order to ensure the effectiveness of the activities of enterprises operating in the field of housing stock management and to ensure that the population considered the main consumers are satisfied with the volume and quality of services provided by enterprises of the industry, it is necessary first of all to reduce the level of natural monopoly in the
State analysis in the field of management of housing funds in Uzbekistan shows that the process of deepening market relations in the field and concentrating enterprises within it into a single system of activity, that is, the process of formation of a single system of management of housing funds, has not yet come to an end, and the level of material and technical, economic and legal.
Analysis of the existing systems of housing stock management showed that despite the fact that the process of introducing new technologies into the industry by systems and enterprises in the regions, automation of management processes and the implementation of other highly effective measures has begun, the presence of the following circumstances makes it possible to combine the industry into a single system in a short time; insufficient use of the principles and methods of analyzing investments in the industry and substantiating investment decisions; lack of justification of budgetary funds allocated to the industry in terms of the social effectiveness of adopted programs.
A qualitatively new approach to alleviate the above-mentioned shortcomings to some extent is the widespread involvement of services provided by housing stock management companies in the process of collecting, analyzing, evaluating information as a component of the formation of Consumer Housing and communal services development programs. In our opinion, one of the main obstacles to solving this problem is the insufficient development of problems and methods of system development with consumers and interaction with them, rather than being the only one of the issues of monitoring the quality of services.
The scientist yu, who considered the organizational and economic mechanism for regulating the types of services provided by housing stock management companies as one of the objects of the market system.B. Cochevrin argues that an important link in the social economy is the market relations of the economic mechanism for regulating sectors and sectors of the economy. For this, in the context of functional dependence, a mechanism for the stability of the system of social economy, which provides a combination of the elements included in it and certain principles, is necessary[1]: tariff program (psychology of mass behavior when buying products or services); rationality (optimization of the choice of product or service use); capital investments (expansion of the process
By organizing the management system of the housing stock in general on the basis of market principles and institutional management mechanisms, it is possible to create organizational and economic mechanisms for the regulation of the industry. In fairness, we can say that in recent years, in the field of the organizational process of services in the housing segment, minimal costs have been incurred to attract investments by both the public and private sectors. Scientific-methodological and experimental-practical approaches are necessary in the implementation of a successful investment process.
The organizational mechanism of Management combines management functions, organizational structure of management, personnel, management techniques and technology, management decisions, Organization of Labor on a scientific basis, legal basis of management, etc. Organizational elements of management include management goals, principles, functions, methods, techniques, technology and personnel, management structure and information.[2]
Economic mechanisms of management rely on economic laws, principles, methods of management and the purpose of economic activity, profit, ownership relations and other supports. The economic mechanism of management is aimed at solving specific socio-economic, technological, socio-psychological problems arising in the process of activity.[3]
The concept of "organizational efficiency" was introduced to the management sciences by R.Introduced by hollu, the concept has been interpreted as a model of system activity that involves structural features and processes within an enterprise and communication with the external environment, focused on the implementation of a common goal.[4]
Scientists who conducted scientific research in the direction of studying international experiments in the management of the Housing Fund-head of the Department of "State and municipal management" of the Institute of social education of St. Petersburg, I.f.n. S.A.Kirsanov's "Zarubezhny opit upravleniya mnogokvartirnimi domami" [5], M.N.Lomova's "opit zarubezhnix stran v reshenii problem upravleniya Jilim fondom v Rossii" [6], graduate student of the Moscow Academy of Public Affairs Management K.S.Stepaev's scientific articles on the topics"Upravlenie mnogokvartirnim domom: zarubezhny opit I Rossiyskaya spesifika" [7] thoroughly studied and analyzed the experiences of developed countries in this area.
The need to reform the system of management of Housing and communal services began in the 70s and 80s of the last century, when the main funds of the industry (housing, networks, structures, etc.) began to deteriorate significantly, the quality of service decreased, the number of accidents and energy losses increased. However, changes in this area began only in the 90s.[8]
Thus, the modern housing and communal services system has its own objective institutional problems that hinder its development. Today, the reform of the institutional base involves the development of information supply, which accompanies the reform process. The improvement of information supply should include the development of all the necessary vertical information communications between the central governing body and the executors of management decisions, as well as horizontal information communications between independent performers. Information support system with the help of modern technologies, resources are combined, a unified database is created, technological processes are coordinated and must work within the framework of the information space common to housing and communal services, which flexibly respond to changes in their market environment.[9]
The strategy for increasing the competitiveness of management companies should be based on the study and subsequent implementation of advanced methods of real estate management, the involvement of private businesses in their activities using public-private partnerships based on the creation of self-regulatory organizations. The creation of self-regulatory organizations of private enterprises of the municipality is a professional inter-sectoral Association of private operators working in the fields of eelectric energy, heat supply, water supply and sewerage, solid waste disposal. The main tasks of the organization of self-regulatory organizations are to improve the quality of public services, attract a large amount of private investment in the communal farm and increase the reliability of the country's communal complex as a whole.[10]
State regulation of the development of the services market in the system of housing stock management should be carried out in the following directions[11]: public administration bodies prescribe guarantor organizations; long-term tariff regulation is carried out; compliance with financial responsibility for the necessary tariff changes is controlled; the procedure for registering the property of Housing and communal organizations is regulated; ; a list of restrictions on the rights of ownership and use of water supply and sewage systems facilities is being developed; the privatization of water supply and sewage facilities has been banned.
The article makes extensive use of methods of scientific study and drawing conclusions, comparative comparison, studying and economically comparing and analyzing statistical data, logical thinking, scientific abstraction, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction of organizational and economic mechanisms of housing stock Development.
When developing a strategy of the organizational and economic mechanism for the development of housing funds, business entities are faced with problems in modernizing their facilities and increasing energy efficiency. Its essence is to strengthen and centralize the actions of enterprises and organizations.
To analyze the organizational and economic mechanism of housing stock management companies, it is necessary to take into account:
- create favorable conditions for attracting investments;
- introduction of innovative management methods;
- use of advanced technologies for repair services;
- destruction of inefficient objects;
- ensuring the operation of the mechanism, long-term regulation of the general payment of Citizens for utilities, etc.
In general, the form of ausorsing-based economic associations for market segments of the services of management companies of housing funds, where there are many small and medium-sized enterprises with a high level of competition and serving similar consumer purposes in the market, is relevant.
To achieve goals and objectives, it is necessary to take into account the interests of economic entities in this area of managing housing funds (see Figure 1).
Figure 1.Organizational and economic aspects of creating conditions for attracting investments in management companies of housing funds
As you can see from this picture, when designing an infusion of funds to attract investments in the industry, it is important to have the volume of investments and make an estimate. The share of its listed buildings under the management of public and private housing funds is important in the development of investment attractiveness in the industry. In this regard, housing funds create favorable conditions for the formation of the organizational and economic mechanism of management companies to increase the efficiency of their activities at the expense of the large number and variety of services provided by them.
However, in order to carry out these tasks, it is necessary to create a regulatory strategy. It will be necessary to improve the organizational and economic mechanism of the housing fund in the development of the activities of management companies. The main task of this process will lead to the fact that the housing fund will achieve high-quality indicators of the activities of management companies. To do this, it is necessary to carry out:
- establishing a system of state regulation and monitoring of management companies of the housing fund;
- development of mechanisms for the development of public-private partnerships and entrepreneurial environment in the management of the housing fund;
- encourage energy and water supply infrastructure for consumers;
-increase the capacity of personnel operating in management companies of the housing fund and the development of human capital;
-the housing fund is more effective in management companies-the transition to innovative and technological management methods.
Thus, in the context of deepening market reforms, it is necessary to expand the above strategies in the implementation of the foundations of the organizational and economic mechanism for the development of the infrastructure of the housing fund (Figure 2).
Figure 2.Goals and objectives of the regulation of management companies of the housing fund
Thus, it can be concluded that when developing a strategy for improving organizational and economic regulatory mechanisms, it is necessary to take into account the goals and objectives mentioned above. On the other hand, the existing institutional behavior of economic entities within the framework of institutional space creates a balance in the service sector in the market economy.
Figure 3.Organizational and economic mechanisms for the development of management companies of the housing fund
In order to ensure the effective functioning of the organizational and economic mechanism of the regulatory framework in the management of the housing fund, it is necessary to synchronize the planning of the main technical and economic indicators in the field. Its essence lies in the fact that in the improvement of the municipal infrastructure system, principles of balance and awareness are developed in the issues of consumer tariff policy.
The bashkaruvida Etalon Foundation is a law-based organization-an economic mechanism for the developed service of market partnership competition is a critical environment of roll vinaidi and it has a characteristic feature of vlarga. The competitive market has restored prosperity to the value of bir row shartlar bilan buzlib, u cutsatilaetgan served in the quantity and quality of tickets to the park.
When creating a competitive environment in the management sector of a housing fund, it will be necessary to create management companies and forms of entrepreneurship, which are characterized by different levels of capabilities operating in the industry. However, the country does not have institutional aspects of the competitive environment in the field of Housing Fund Management. In order to more deeply and flexibly develop the organizational and economic mechanism of the foundations of the regulation of competition in the management system of the housing fund, it is necessary:
- creation of a systematic legal framework for resolving disputes between market participants;
- transparency and monitoring of price and price policy;
- attracting investments and developing urban infrastructure;
- rental or customization of empty objects;
- create conditions for a preferential fund for private enterprises;
- to exercise effective control over the performance of economic and social indicators.
Thus, in order to effectively develop the organizational and economic mechanism of the regulatory framework, summarizing all the above arguments, it is necessary to carry out reforms in this area along institutional lines. Because this means the most optimal forms of interaction of subjects aimed at improving the socio-economic factor in society and in our country as a whole.