- Alisher Navoi,
- Farhod and Shirin,
- Khamsa Theme,
- Idea,
- Image
- classical poetics,
- Hero,
- Spiritual World,
- Metaphor,
- Allegory,
- Contrast,
- Talmeeh,
- Mubolaga,
- Rhetoric,
- Fine Arts,
- Skill,
- Beauty Analysis,
- Transmission Example,
- Khusrav Dehlav,
- Hizr,
- Nizami Ganjavi,
- Abdurahman Jami,
- Qorun,
- Faridun,
- Chin,
- Qoran ...More
Copyright (c) 2022 Hayitov Shavkat Ahmadovich, Sayidova Shahruza Sohibovna

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Hazrat Alisher Navoi's epic "Farhod and Shirin" discusses many topical issues and universal issues related to the long past, life and future of the XV century. The poet skillfully used the arts of classical poetics, such as tazod (antithesis), talmeeh, tashbeeh, tanosub (the art of proportion), mubolaga (hyperbole), and metaphor, to illuminate these issues and interpret goals and ideas. In Farhod and Shirin, the artistic means of expression served to give a vivid, effective expression of the ideas expressed in the epic, to convey the images clearly and vividly, to ensure the verbal elegance and eloquence of the masnavi verses. The article draws important scientific conclusions by examining the interrelationships between the arts and the imagery in Farhod and Shirin.
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