Vol 1 No 2 (2019): December

Institutional bases of state policy and legal activity in the sphere of environmental protection in emergency environmental situations

Azizov Tuxtamish Azamovich
Head of Education Quality Supervision Department Uzbekistan State University of World Languages PhD in Political Science (PhD, Uzbekistan

(*) Corresponding Author
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Published January 10, 2020
  • environmental safety, emergency environmental situations, disasters, natural disasters.,
  • environmental safety,
  • emergency environmental situations,
  • disasters,
  • natural disasters
How to Cite
Azizov Tuxtamish Azamovich. (2020). Institutional bases of state policy and legal activity in the sphere of environmental protection in emergency environmental situations. Academia Open, 1(2). https://doi.org/10.21070/acopen.v1i2.318


The article analyzes the institutional foundations of the political and legal activities of the state in the field of environmental protection in emergency environmental situations, as well as the issues of improving their activities.


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