- web,
- Storage,
- Notifications
Copyright (c) 2021 Andre Pramanta Widianto, Cindy Taurusta

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
In a foundation there is a need for fast and fast mustahiq data storage. This socio-religious foundation for the yadufa cup is still stored manually. The previous data storage was still using Microsoft Excel. In the current era technology is needed, information systems to make it easier for admins to complete their work. From manual work to computerized.
The writing uses data collection methods in the form of interviews with the admin of the foundation to find out the problems. Then do a literature study by reading the appropriate previous research. Then analyze the main problems that exist to determine the boundaries of the problem.
The conclusion of this study aims to research the manufacture of "WEB- based information system for acceptance of mustahiq candidates (Yayasan socio- religious cup Yadufa) is to create and provide an information system that can be used to store data accurately, record recipients of mustahiq participants quickly and accurately.
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