- Android,
- Waterfall,
- Queue,
- Dawet
Copyright (c) 2021 Tri Mulyo Atmojo, Cindy Taurusta
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Restaurants with large crowds may face queues and large orders. One of them is the Dawet Jembut Kecabut Restaurant which sells dawet ireng. This restaurant has not implemented technology in terms of queuing and customer orders so that there is not a maximum queue of buyers and sellers have to ask every order to the buyer. From the above problems, the Black Dawet App was made. Android based queue and order tracking application. The waterfall method is applied in building this application. This application uses the Flutter SDK which uses the Dart programming language as an android display and CodeIgniter for the backend and MySQL as database management. With this application you can maximize the order queue at the Dawet Jembut Kecabut Restaurant, because the buyer must have a queue number and enter the order when going to buy.
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