Vol 1 No 2 (2019): December

Impact of Seeds of Andizhan-36 Cotton Light And Various Methods for Cotton Harvesting

Atabaeva Mamura Sadirdin Kizi
Senior Lecturer of the Department of Plant Science, PhD, PhD, Andijan branch of Tashkent State Agrarian University, 1, Kuyganyor, Andijan district, 1, Kuyganyor-160700, Uzbekistan., Uzbekistan

(*) Corresponding Author
Picture in here are illustration from public domain image or provided by the author, as part of their works
Published December 3, 2019
  • Soil, cotton, single and double row, thickness of seedlings, cotton yield, new combination technology, Andijan - 36 varieties, liquid ammonia, pure profit.,
  • soil,
  • cotton,
  • single row,
  • double row,
  • thickness of seedings,
  • cotton yield,
  • technology,
  • Andijan - 36,
  • liquid ammonia,
  • profit
  • ...More
How to Cite
Atabaeva Mamura Sadirdin Kizi, Qodirov Odiljon, & Xoliqova Gulirano. (2019). Impact of Seeds of Andizhan-36 Cotton Light And Various Methods for Cotton Harvesting. Academia Open, 1(2). https://doi.org/10.21070/acopen.v1i2.192


With the use of resource-saving agricultural technology, using a new combine unit, once in the fall, nitrogen was applied at 50% of the annual rate of nitrogen 200% in liquid ammonia and the remaining 50% in the form of cotton ammonium nitrate. In the series and double-planted variants, the planting thickness of the cotton was greater than 1.2-5.9 thousand tons per hectare compared to the other variants of the system. 0.4 c / ha, yielding an additional yield of 4.1-5.9 c / ha compared to the control options and achieving maximum economic efficiency. Net profit from this option is 2079,1-2793.7 thousand sum, profitability rate is 52.3-68.4%, net profit per control option is 1127,7-1569,3 thousand sum, profitability rate is 29,1% up to 38.8%.


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