- precnancy,
- back pain,
- trimester
Copyright (c) 2021 Anggraeni Kriswidya Putri, Hanik Machfudloh

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Pregnancy is a process that begins with the unification of spermatozoa with ovum called fertilization and then continued with implantation. Normal pregnancies generally last for 9 months, and are divided into the first 3 trimesters 1-12 weeks, the second trimester 13-27 weeks, the third trimester 28-40 weeks. Various complaints felt by pregnant women, one of which is back pain that causes pregnant women discomfort. This aerikel was written taken from the place of Maternity Clinic Karunia Sidoarjo on January 05, 2020. The way of data collection is by means of anamnesa, examination of analysis, data then documenting by comparing between the data that has been obtained with existing theories. Mrs. .m 40 weeks gestational age, with complaints of physiological back pain with good maternal and fetal conditions.
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