DOI: 10.21070/acopen.10.2025.10464

Pedagogical Conditions of Realisation of Educational Functions in The Process of Educational Activity in Universities

Kondisi Pedagogis Realisasi Fungsi Pendidikan dalam Proses Kegiatan Pendidikan di Perguruan Tinggi

Assistant of “Economics and Technical Sciences” Department Samarkand campus of University of Economics and Pedagogy

(*) Corresponding Author

pedagogical conditions educational functions educational activity students' education educational process extracurricular activity teacher's role innovative methods social responsibility self-development


The article is devoted to the pedagogical conditions for the realisation of educational functions in the process of academic activity in higher education institutions. The article considers key aspects such as the creation of an educational environment, integration of educational tasks into the educational process, the role of the teacher as a mentor and moral authority, and the use of modern teaching methods and technologies. Special attention is paid to extracurricular activities that contribute to the development of social activity and responsibility of students. The article emphasizes the importance of an integrated approach, including organizational, methodological, psychological, pedagogical and social conditions for effective education. The expected result is the formation of comprehensively developed specialists ready for active participation in society.


  1. Pedagogical conditions for educational functions in higher education
  2. Teacher roles, modern methods, and extracurricular activities
  3. Integrated approach for developing responsible, socially active specialists
Keywords: pedagogical conditions, educational functions, educational activity, students' education, educational process, extracurricular activity, teacher's role, innovative methods, social responsibility, self-development


Pedagogical conditions for the realization of educational functions in the process of educational activity in higher education institutions assume a comprehensive approach aimed at the harmonious development of the student's personality, formation of his/her value orientations, moral principles and social responsibility. One of the key aspects is the creation of an educational environment that promotes not only the assimilation of professional knowledge, but also the education of civic position, tolerance and respect for cultural diversity.

For the effective realization of educational functions it is necessary to take into account the specifics of higher education, where the emphasis is placed on independence, critical thinking and active social position of students. An important condition is the integration of educational tasks into the educational process, which implies the development of educational programs that include modules aimed at the development of personal qualities such as responsibility, initiative and the ability to self-reflection.

Special attention should be paid to the role of the teacher as a mentor and moral authority. The teacher should not only impart knowledge, but also demonstrate an example of professional ethics, respect for students and readiness for dialog. The educational function of the teacher is realized through an individual approach to each student, support of his/her initiatives and creation of conditions for self-realization.

In addition, an important element of the educational process is extracurricular activities, which allow students to develop teamwork, leadership and social skills. The organization of student clubs, volunteer programs, scientific societies and cultural events contributes to the formation of young people's sense of belonging to the academic community and responsibility for its development.


No less significant condition is the use of modern technologies and innovative methods of education, such as project activities, case studies, trainings and discussion platforms. These methods allow to involve students in an active process of cognition and self-development, as well as contribute to the formation of critical thinking and the ability to make independent decisions.Pedagogical conditions for the realization of educational functions in higher education institutions should be aimed at creating an integral system that combines the educational process, extracurricular activities and personal interaction between teachers and students. Only with such an approach it is possible to achieve the main goal of higher education - the education of highly qualified specialists with not only professional knowledge, but also high moral qualities, ready for active participation in the life of society.

Special attention should be paid to the role of a teacher as a mentor and educator. The university teacher should not only have a high level of professional competence, but also be an example of moral and civic maturity. His personality, communication style, attitude to students and to his/her professional activity have a significant impact on the formation of students' worldview and values.In addition, an important condition for the realization of educational functions is the use of interactive teaching methods that promote the active participation of students in the educational process. Discussions, project activities, case studies and other forms of work allow not only to deepen knowledge, but also to develop students' skills of teamwork, leadership and social interaction.

Pedagogical conditions for the implementation of educational functions of educational classes in universities require a comprehensive approach, including the creation of a favorable educational environment, the integration of educational tasks in the educational process, the active role of the teacher and the use of modern educational technologies. Only if these conditions are met, it is possible to ensure not only professional but also personal development of students, which is the most important task of higher education in the modern world.

The analysis of pedagogical conditions for the realization of educational functions of educational classes in universities implies the consideration of a set of factors that contribute to the effective achievement of educational and educational goals. The structure of pedagogical conditions includes organizational, methodological, psychological, pedagogical and social aspects, which are interrelated and complementary.

Organizational conditions imply the creation of a favorable environment for the learning process, including the rational distribution of time, the use of modern technologies and the provision of necessary resources. An important element is the development of curricula and programs that take into account not only educational, but also educational objectives. This includes the integration of educational components in the content of disciplines, as well as the organization of extracurricular activities aimed at the development of personal qualities of students.

Methodological conditions are related to the selection and application of pedagogical methods and techniques that contribute to the formation of students' value orientations, moral qualities and social responsibility. These include active and interactive teaching methods, such as discussions, project work, case studies, which allow students not only to assimilate knowledge, but also to develop critical thinking, communication skills and the ability to self-reflection.

Psychological and pedagogical conditions are aimed at taking into account individual characteristics of students, their motivation and emotional state. This involves the creation of an atmosphere of trust and cooperation between teachers and students, as well as the use of methods that promote the development of self-esteem, self-confidence and the desire for self-improvement. An important aspect is also the formation of students' self-regulation skills and stress resistance, which is especially relevant in the conditions of the modern educational process.

Social conditions include interaction of HEI with the external environment, including employers, public organizations and other educational institutions. This allows students not only to acquire knowledge, but also to form social competencies such as teamwork, leadership skills and the ability to adapt to changing conditions. An important element is also the involvement of students in socially significant projects and volunteer activities, which contributes to their social activity and civic responsibility. Thus, the realization of educational functions of educational classes in universities requires a comprehensive approach that takes into account all of the above conditions. Only with their harmonious combination it is possible to achieve the goals of education aimed at the formation of a comprehensively developed, socially responsible and professionally competent personality.

Results and Discussion

Organizational and pedagogical conditions for the effective implementation of educational functions of educational classes in universities are a set of measures aimed at creating a favorable environment for the formation of student's personality, his/her value orientations, professional competencies and social responsibility. These conditions include both structural and content aspects of the educational process, which are interrelated and complement each other.

First, an important condition is the integration of educational tasks into the teaching process. This implies that each teacher realizes his/her role not only as a transmitter of knowledge, but also as a mentor, able to influence the worldview and behavior of students. For this purpose, it is necessary to develop methodological recommendations that will help teachers to harmoniously combine educational and educational goals within their disciplines. For example, the use of case methods, discussions and project work allows not only to deepen professional knowledge, but also to develop students' critical thinking, ability to work in a team and make responsible decisions.

Secondly, the key element is to create an atmosphere of trust and cooperation between teachers and students. This is achieved through openness in communication, respect for the opinion of each participant in the educational process and readiness for dialog. The educational function is realized most effectively when students feel themselves part of the academic community, where their ideas and initiatives are supported and developed. For this purpose it is important to organize extracurricular activities, such as scientific conferences, round tables, volunteer projects, which contribute to team building and formation of common values.

Thirdly, it is necessary to take into account individual characteristics of students and their needs. Modern educational process should be flexible and adaptive to take into account the diversity of cultural, social and personal characteristics of students. This requires teachers to be able to apply a differentiated approach, use interactive teaching methods and create situations in which each student can show his or her strengths. For example, the introduction of blended learning technologies allows to combine traditional forms of classes with online activities, which makes the learning process more personalized and motivating.

An important condition is the development of students' self-reflection and self-education skills. The educational function of training sessions should be aimed at the formation of students' ability to independently analyze their actions, deeds and their consequences. This is achieved through the inclusion in the educational process of tasks that require critical thinking of information, as well as through the creation of conditions for independent research work. For example, writing essays, participating in debates or preparing presentations on topical issues contribute to the development of students' ability to argue their point of view and make informed decisions.

Systematic work on monitoring and evaluation of the effectiveness of educational activities plays an important role. This involves regular surveys, questionnaires and interviews to identify the opinions of students and teachers about the quality of educational work. Based on the obtained data, it is possible to make adjustments in the educational process, develop new methods and approaches that will contribute to a deeper and more comprehensive development of the student's personality.

Organizational and pedagogical conditions for the implementation of educational functions of educational classes in universities include the integration of educational tasks into the educational process, the creation of an atmosphere of trust and cooperation, taking into account the individual characteristics of students, the development of self-reflection and self-education skills, as well as the systematic evaluation of the effectiveness of educational activities. Only if all these conditions are met, it is possible to achieve high performance in the formation of students not only professional, but also personal qualities necessary for successful realization in modern society.

The effectiveness of educational conditions aimed at the realization of educational functions of educational classes in universities can be assessed through a system of criteria and indicators that reflect both procedural and productive aspects of pedagogical activity. Let us consider the main criteria and corresponding indicators.

1. Criterion of integrity of the educational process

Presence of clearly formulated educational objectives within the framework of academic disciplines.

  1. Indicators:
  2. Integration of educational objectives into the content of educational programs.
  3. Systematic implementation of educational functions at all stages of education.

1.Person-centered approach criterion

Taking into account individual characteristics of students when planning educational work.

  1. Indicators:
  2. Creating conditions for self-realization and development of students' personal potential.
  3. Availability of feedback between teachers and students to adjust educational strategies.

1.Criterion of professional competence of teachers

The level of teachers' mastery of methods and technologies of educational work.

  1. Indicators:
  2. Teachers' readiness to realize educational functions within the framework of academic classes.
  3. Teachers are motivated to improve their educational activities.

1.Criterion for student activity and engagement

The degree of students' participation in discussing and solving educational tasks.

  1. Indicators:
  2. The level of independence and initiative of students in the process of educational activities.
  3. Students have a conscious attitude to educational aspects of education.

1.Criterion for the effectiveness of educational work

Dynamics of students' personal growth (moral, intellectual, social development).

  1. Indicators:
  2. The level of formation of key competencies related to educational goals.
  3. Satisfaction of students and teachers with the results of educational work.

1.Criterion of integration of educational and educational tasks

Harmonious combination of educational and educational objectives within disciplines.

  1. Indicators:
  2. The presence of interdisciplinary links that contribute to the realization of educational functions.
  3. The use of educational potential of educational material for the formation of students' value orientations.

1.Innovation and creativity criterion

Application of modern pedagogical technologies in educational work.

  1. Indicators:
  2. The use of non-standard forms and methods for the realization of educational functions.
  3. Presence of creative approach to the organization of educational activities.

1.Criterion of social orientation

Formation of students' social responsibility and civic position.

  1. Indicators:
  2. Inclusion in the educational process of elements that contribute to the development of social skills.
  3. Students' participation in socially significant projects and initiatives.

1.Monitoring and evaluation criterion

Availability of the system of diagnostics of the effectiveness of educational work.

  1. Indicators:
  2. Regularity of analyzing the achieved results.
  3. Use of the obtained data to improve educational conditions.

The realization of these criteria and indicators allows not only to evaluate the effectiveness of educational conditions, but also to develop strategies for their further improvement. This contributes to the creation of an environment in universities, where the educational functions of classes become an integral part of the educational process, ensuring the harmonious development of the student's personality and his/her preparation for professional and social life.


In conclusion, it should be noted that the practical implementation of the educational functions in university educational activities is possible only with the use of the necessary measures, which could be characterized as complex and multifaceted. This study outlines the important conditions for effective teaching and learning crucial not only for students’ professional growth, but for their personalities as well. Influence of educational tasks into the academic curriculum is the first strategy that we can look at as fundamental to theembed of moral, social and civic responsibilities into the curriculum. Similarly, the teacher’s focus as role models and decision-makers most obviously stress the requirement for professionalism within a learning environment, including the necessity of respect for a dialogue, the recognition of individuality, and student-oriented approaches.

The necessity for having proper educational climate and conditions supported by various technologies and creative approaches is essential. Facilitating student activities such as case analysis, collaborative projects, and discussions increase student participation, fostering problem solving self-reflection skills and teamwork. In addition to that, co−curricular activities also support academic activities drive leadership, corporate social responsibility as well as build identity in the learning institution.

Furthermore, the need to develop an appropriate approach in order to respond for culturally and educational needs of students in the case also demonstrates the relevance of the multicultural factor in the sphere of higher education. The flexibility when complimented with the constant assessment of educational results guarantees that institutions will always continue to be relevant and effective.

In the end, it is here that the effectiveness of these pedagogical approaches is summed up, as the goal is to mold adequate and competent human beings of character and professional integrity, and social responsibility. Taking into account organizational, methodological, psychological, and social perspectives, LHEs can thus progress as learning organisations seeking their ultimate goal of contributing to preparing men and women for effective roles in society and work environments. This integrated model simply underlines the concept of the educational process as a tool for constructive change in society and human beings.


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