- vocational stability,
- educational Guides
Copyright (c) 2024 khalaf Mutashar Dayekh

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Current research aims to identify vocational stability for educational guides in Basrah Governorate, where research community included educational guides in service in government schools, and to achieve research aim, researcher chose a sample consisting of 200 mentors and Guides , researcher used a questionnaire research tool It consisted of 20paragraphs, extracted from vocational stability literature , and it was presented to a group of experts and arbitrators to extract its apparent honesty, to measure existence of characteristic or apparent or not, and percentage of acceptance of paragraph was based on (80 %) or more, where all paragraphs won On required percentage, and for purpose of completing validity of construction, researcher applied scale on research sample to extract distinctive strength of scale vertebra For paragraphs, where several paragraphs that get a calculated, calculated value (1.96) and more statistically indicate at level of significance (0.05) and degree of freedom (106), it appeared that all paragraphs were distinct because calculated Total values are greater than Table value (1.96), and it has results of statistical analysis indicate that educational guides in general have high vocational stability at work.
- Assess vocational stability of educational guides in Basrah schools.
- Questionnaire with 200 participants; statistical analysis ensured validity.
- High vocational stability observed among educational guides.
Keywords: vocational stability, educational Guides
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