- Word,
- Ground Water,
- Diyala City,
- Quality Parameters,
- Ph Metre
- Alkalinity ...More
Copyright (c) 2024 Salih Saood Yagoub

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
In the Diyla area, fourteen ground water samples were obtained for this study in high density polyethylene (HDPE) bottles that had been previously cleaned and filled with diluted HNO3. To prevent cross-contamination, the bottles were rinsed with the same water that would be used for the sample. Using normal procedures, each sample was examined for five parameters: pH, EC, TH, Alkalinity, and F (APHA, 1995). A digital pH metre (Model 802 Systronics) was used in the field to measure pH, and a conductivity metre (Model 304 Systronics) was used to assess EC. The Trimble Juno 3D Handheld is used to help collect the geographic locations of the sample points (EC). Using regular EDTA, a titrimetric analysis of total hardness was conducted. Titrimetric analysis of alkalinity was performed with standard H2SO4.
- Samples collected in HDPE bottles pre-rinsed with sample water.
- pH, EC, TH, Alkalinity, F analyzed using APHA standards (1995).
- pH, EC measured in field; hardness, alkalinity by titration.
Keywords: Word, Ground Water, Diyala City, Quality Parameters, Ph Metre, Alkalinity
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